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19 March 2012

What women want

Women complain about men a lot these days, as well they should. Men are untidy, insensitive, sex-crazed. They rape, they murder, most criminals are male. They make women pregnant and then run off with other (much younger) women. They don't pay child support for kids they've fathered. Et cetera.

Ironically, all the qualities that men have, both good and bad, are those which have been selected by women. In fact it's more than just a "selection", it's an "election", because by having a child by a man, the woman is casting a vote that says "this is the kind of man I want future generations of men to be like". And of course the men are voting as well, but to a lesser extent, what they want women of the future to be like. Note that none of this is being done consciously. Consider the peacock's tail. It confers no survival advantage. In fact a peacock with the best and biggest tail is the easiest for predators to catch. But it has a reproductive advantage because it's what the peahens want. Why do the peahens want it? They have no idea.

So it's futile for a woman who has given birth to a man's child to then complain about his qualities. She is only repeating the "mistake" his mother made!

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